Hi! My name is Chrissy, and I’m so happy you found my page!

I know from experience that trying to do something new, especially making money online can be complicated, confusing and intimidating. But good news, this isn’t any of those things!   

I leveraged a step-by-step proven system with having zero experience or skills! And guess what? This system has already allowed me to pay off debt and take and plan a few vacations and it’s only been a couple of months!   

  If you’re tired of working a 9-5 and living paycheck to paycheck, click the button below to watch a free video from my mentor on getting started! If I, an ordinary girl, can do it, so can you!   

 Check your email inbox and spam folder for messages from me. I want to help you make money, be successful, and live your best life! What are you waiting for? Let’s go!


The simplest way for beginners to create $500-$1,000 days online.


See results in just 1-2 hours a day while keeping your 9-5.


Simple to follow system from 7 figure online entrepreneurs.

I am so excited that you have chosen to pursue this opportunity with me. I will always be available to help support you in your journey.

Affiliate marketing is simply when you promote a product using a unique link that you create specifically for that product. If somebody uses your link and purchases the product or service, then you receive a commission.

Over 80% of companies now use affiliate marketing has a valid and important part of their business. Over 40% of their total revenue comes from affiliate marketing. This is a multi-billion dollar portion of the industry and income for companies.

My journey all started with the 7 Day Shift. And after my amazing experience with Jeff and Jessica Samis, I knew this was something I just had to share with the world.

Over the last decade, they have mentored thousands of people around the world through the Otherlife community. They've taken members from making their first dollar online up to earning six and seven figures a month.

Jeff and Jessica know how to make complex concepts simple, fun and step by step. The 7 Day Shift is a powerful, clear and actionable way to start getting results. Take the Shift now and see for yourself!

  • Here's some stuff


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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this landing page are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We are not implying you will duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys "how-to" information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. ALL business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you are not willing to accept that, please DO NOT purchase this package.